Barley Miso Soup

Barley Miso Soup

Barley is a gluten grain and should not be eaten by anyone who is completely avoiding gluten.
Servings 4 servings


  • 12 cups water
  • 2 tablespoons tamari soy sauce
  • 1 strip of Kombu
  • 0.333333 cup dried shiitake mushrooms soaked according to package directions
  • 0.25 cup dried seaweed wakame or arame
  • 0.25 block of tofu chopped into small cubes
  • 0.5 cup barley miso or more to taste


  • Bring the water to a simmer with Kombu and tamari. Add mushrooms and seaweed, and simmer about 10 minutes. Add tofu and turn off the heat.Mix a little broth to the miso to dissolve. Break up clumps and return it to the pot. Do not heat after the miso goes in. Different miso pastes have different flavors and saltiness.If the broth tastes too watery, add more dissolved miso.  (Recipe♦167)


Kombu is a type of kelp or seaweed that can improve the digestibility of beans and legumes. It can be found in some grocery and most "health food" stores.