Add coconut oil to a pan and heat until melted. Stir in salt. Add onions and garlic and cook down for 10-15 minutes on medium heat. While onions are cooking, drain liver and pat dry. Add livers to hot oil and onions. Cook another 10 minutes or until brown, and then remove from heat and drain liver mixture. In a food processor, add half of the thickened cream from the top of a can of coconut milk, fresh herbs, 1 T apple cider vinegar, and the drained liver and onions. Blend well. Taste the mixture for flavor balance. Adjust accordingly with options of adding the rest of the coconut cream, some juice from the liver and onions, more salt, herbs, or vinegar until paté is desired thickness and flavor. Save the remaining drippings from paté and onions for soups and stews. No need to waste flavor!Paté will firm up in the refrigerator as it is typically served chilled alongside plenty of options for dipping. For Autoimmune Paleo, try raw veggies like carrot sticks, cucumber slices, celery, or broccoli. (Recipe #677)